Tuesday 11 June 2013

Finding Grindr

This post is dedicated to Nicola, a work mate who introduced me to Grindr.

Getting an iPod for Christmas 2010 had been a long standing ambition of mine. That boxing day, cold and bored I got an iPod touch.

I'd used many apps, but one app in particular gave me a secret, exiting new life. They call the app Grindr, a location based service that makes gay to gay connections.

I first connected in May 2011, my first profile was mediocre indeed, but after some impertinent advice from someone 360 meters away,  we found a better pic. I'd like to pay homage to that guy also.

I spent the rest of that day chatting to several men,  near and far, at about 9pm a certain guy named builder bod logged on.

I was immediately turned on by builder - bod. His picture was a narcistic mug shot of him in the mirror, and he was gorge! We swapped pictures and he was seemed instantly into me and I in him. He also had an exceptionally large manhood which was scary as it was sexy.

"Want to meet in twenty? " he asked after some horny picture swapping, I was intially hesitent too meet a stranger,  but exited "what if he didn't like me? What if I did like him". Sod it I thought,  I'm horny and you only live once .....

Half an hour later,  stood in a local car park,and I remember it was a particularly warm evening and just going dark,  builderbod and his White van arrived.

I got into his van and to my surprise he was older than I thought and smaller,  but with his stubble and masculine appearance he was still hot.  He came across a typical builder,  charming if slightly chav. "Your well cute aren't you? " he said with a filthy smirk which gave me butterfly's!

I directed him to a hill side I knew which I new would be quiet and secluded, we walked into a field and behind a bush, cows were around.

We kissed at first,  then I pulled his pants down and saw the thing I'd been exited about when we were pic swapping. It was as impressive as the picture and tasted great I worked hard at to make him moan :) ,  he did want to go a little further but declined as I just didn't want to go that far in a field!

After he spent his load,  I had that awkward moment where all the excitements gone and it's time to go your separate ways, as we walked to the van I remember having a feeling of unfulfillment. I realised that in all of this I was looking for human contact but not a boyfriend.

My first Grindr conquest was fun and disappointing at the same time. But I knew, there would be more satisfying things to come.

I got home with that naughty dirty feeling you get and logged back on....